All posts by Christopher

2.4 Assessment Task – Unfamiliar Text Analysis

For your final assessment task for your 2.4 portfolio here is the task sheet and text.

Unfamiliar Text Resources

Here are some notes and attachments to assist you in preparing for your 2.3 assessment. A helpful guide to language features including examples and their effect. Downloadable Copy of the same PDF The 2018 2.3

2.5 Speaking Assessment Task

Attached is the task sheet for your 2.5 Speaking Assessment 🙂

World’s Fastest Indian Paragraph 3

‘The World’s Fastest Indian’ stars acclaimed actor Anthony Hopkins in the role of Burt Munro. Your task is to write a paragraph reviewing his performance in the film. Post this on your blog by the

2.4 Writing Assessment 2

This assessment task will start in class on Thursday August 13th and will run for the following 8 periods. The assessment will be split into two parts. Part 1 you will receive feedback at the

2.9 Wide Reading Info.

Below are the expectations for this year’s Wide Reading assessment. Remember that each entry needs to: Include at least two examples Include at least two moments of ‘text and self’ and ‘text and world’ Fall

Scene Analysis – World’s Fastest Indian

After viewing the ‘record attempt’ scene from The World’s Fastest Indian write a paragraph in which you respond critically to the scene. Think about: Cinematography Sound (diegetic and non-diegetic) Acting Theme Use your notes to

Film Initial Response

Answer the following questions using evidence from the text. Write a BRIEF plot review Discuss a character that stood out to you and why Analyse the setting of the text – was it effective? Discuss.

The Language of Review

Task: Building a vocabulary ‘toolbox’ Read at least three film reviews. Find some examples here on film reviewer Roger Ebert’s site. As you read you will develop a vocabulary toolbox of typical words and phrases